Do something different, rather than just grab a photograph try a series of short video captures. You’ll need a prime lens that offers a wide aperture preferably f1.2 – f1.8 when shooting in low light although depending on available ambient light f2.8 will cut it. Whilst it’s true mobile phone technology has improved with regards video shooting their low light performance is poor, for better resolution and less noise I’d recommend a mirrorless or full frame DSLR / APS-C with a fast lens as mentioned above. Film at 60 fps or faster and slow in editing. I’m probably guilty of over using this technique but it’s a look that works for this type of shot. Image stabilisation is always a plus either in lens, camera or both but not strictly necessary, if your hand shooting (which I am) then use them both to help achieve that smooth buttery motion. Have fun in editing, I tend to avoid unnecessary transitions and keep the video smooth and coherent but explore different options and create your style and look. The easiest to learn software is probably Fillmore (link below) which I’ve been using now for a few years and it offers all the tricks, tweaks and transitions you’ll ever need. As always have fun.
Check out my latest videos at:
Vlogging Traveller by Phil Davenport Filming with:
Canon EOS 6D Mark II Digital SLR Camera
Canon EF 50mm f/1.2 L USM Lens
Editing with Filmora
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